Character Profile: Count Less (Post #7)

Count Less

Concept Art

Here is the overall picture of Count Less. The crown's label is focused on below this picture.

The very top is labelled, "Queen piolets the "trench coat"". Just below that, a label to the right reads, "Floodlight "Eyes"". Below that to the left, a label reads, "Drones run everything". 

The right-hand sleeve is labelled, "Weapons come out of sleeves". A list below that reads, "Laser", "Gun", "Sawblade", "Flamethrower", "Blade", "Claw", "Taser", "etc.".

The left-hand sleeve is labelled, "Can also make tools". A list below that reads, "Axe","Scissors","Claw","Wrench", "Screwdriver", "Cog", "etc.".

The very bottom of the picture is labelled, "Four Wheels (Magical spikes will appear in rougher terrain!)"

Less's crown is labelled, "Five points + three circles, the image of royalty in this world. Less' crown also doubles as a messaging device connecting to the Colony's wireless.".

The writing on the top reads, "Note: As a colony, every individual is born of the same Element as their Queen. In this case, Technology." The right-hand label reads, "Not actually metal, just Identical in colour.". The bottom label reads, "One individual drone shrimp. Very small."


Species: Colony (Shrimps)

Element: Born of the Technology

(NOTE: “Less” herself is the Queen of the Colony and therefore the one who ultimately speaks for them all. The full title “Count Less” refers to the entire colony.)

Looks: Less is a silver-blue coloured snapping shrimp with pale blue eyes about the size of a thumb, wearing a tiny gold crown. Her left claw is tiny while the right claw is about a quarter of her full length. Individuals of the colony look the same as her, but smaller to various degrees, and without the crown. Count Less as a whole colony run a tall robot endoskeleton wrapped up in a spongy yellow trench coat, which is filled with holes for the various drones to look out of. The inside layer of this coat is blue. A transparent, blue-tinted crystal cone sits at the top, where Less can be seen operating a control panel. Two metal antennae are on either side of the cone. Two floodlights shine out of two large holes just below the cone, acting as “eyes”. Various tools and weapons can appear from the large, wide sleeves. The Colony moves about on four large blue wheels, which can become spiked depending on the terrain.

Personality: Less is brave but cautious, preferring to go over all the options with her colony before committing to decisions. Once Count Less comes to a decision, she sticks to it stubbornly no matter what. However, Less’s indecisiveness can mean this takes some time. Less is quite literally a born leader, both for her own colony and for others. Despite this, she keeps those outside her colony emotionally at arm’s length. Individual drones of Count Less are quite comfortable making their opinions known to others outside of the colony.

Likes: Planning, decisiveness, loyalty, seafood.

Dislikes: Betrayals, being spontaneous, unexpected events.

Story Snippet: Those who wish The High Mage gone look toward the leader who aims to replace him: Count Less! A cold civil war long lingered between the two sides, but now that Ether’s taken The Judgement’s Eye from The High Mage, it’s heating up. Count Less had planned to use the Mirror against him, but destroying him some other way may work too. If Ether helps her with this goal, surely she’ll help Ether back… Right? Alternatively, political powers around the world also have a stake in this situation. Perhaps someone else could use Ether’s “in” with The Rebellion instead.

Fun Fact: The name is a pun on multiple levels! There are “countless” shrimp running the mech, hence, “Count Less”. It also sounds a lot like “Countess”.

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